Soft apple cake recipe


First, separate the egg yolks from the whites. Mix the egg yolks with the sugar and a pinch of salt (you can also use a mixer), add the flour sifted with the baking powder and vanillin, and finally the milk poured in slowly. Add the grated lemon zest and mix well until you get a smooth and homogeneous mixture.

Meanwhile, peel the apples and cut them into thin slices, then add them to the mixture. Beat the egg whites until stiff (with a pinch of salt) and very delicately incorporate them into the mixture, stirring gently from the bottom up.

Line a 24 cm diameter mold with damp and wrung out baking paper. Pour the mixture into the mold, level the surface and bake at 180°C for about 40 minutes.

When cooked, leave to cool, remove the baking paper and serve garnished as desired with icing sugar, small pieces of apple or apple compote.

By following these simple steps, you can make a delicious, moist apple cake, perfect for a gourmet break or to accompany your coffee or tea. Enjoy your meal